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At Ekidna we value communication highly and this is reflected in the types of documentation that we share with our families. Documentation captures the experiences and learning that unfolds throughout the day as observed by the educators. The documentation also acts as a springboard for future planning to ensure that the learning experiences offered to children meet their individual interests, needs and developmental stages. The Daily Reflection is a document that is written daily by the educators and offers a meaningful insight into the learning that has unfolded over each day. This document is emailed daily to the families, which creates a valuable way for families to connect with what is happening on a daily basis. Individual portfolios are also created for each of the children. These are developed over the year and contain photos, observations, project documentation, and special event documents which are a meaningful and special document of the child's learning over the whole year. Other forms of documentation can be seen throughout the centre, including the beautiful array of art that is visible on the walls. 


"Documentation is the visual trace of the process that children and teachers engage in during their investigations together"

Fraser, 2000, p. 77

© 2016 Ekidna Cottage

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